Castle Hill Academy Castle Hill Academy

A Platanos Trust School

School Performance


Castle Hill Academy is one of the top performing schools in the borough with excellent Key Stage 2 SATs outcomes for summer 2023

Castle Hill Academy joined the Platanos Trust in September 2017.  In its first year, the school saw rapid improvements in its first set of Key Stage 2 SATs results, with the combined percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard rising by 40%.

The percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard is now also above the national average.  Before the school joined the Platanos Trust, no pupils achieved the higher standard in the previous cohort.


Our 2023 Key Stage 2 SATs outcomes - mainstream

Percentage achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths 83% (well above average)
Progress score in reading 5.8 (well above average)
Progress score in writing 3.4 (well above average)
Progress score in in maths 4.1 (well above average)
Percentage achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths 14% (well above average)
Average score in reading 109 (expected 100)
Average score in maths 106 (expected 100)

Our 2023 Key Stage 2 SATs outcomes - mainstream and ELP included

Percentage achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths 78% (well above average)
Progress score in reading 5.8 (well above average)
Progress score in writing 3.4 (well above average)
Progress score in in maths 4.1 (well above average)
Percentage achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths 13% (well above average)
Average score in reading 109 (expected 100)
Average score in maths 106 (expected 100)

DfE Performance Tables

Parents and carers may access the School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education (DfE)'s website (click here; external link)

The school's latest published performance information can be found on this DfE webpage (click here; external link).