Castle Hill Academy Castle Hill Academy

A Platanos Trust School

The Oak Centre

Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP)


The Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP) at Castle Hill Academy aims to provide a stimulating, safe and engaging environment which fosters and promotes independent learning for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

We combine a range of strategies based on the deep understanding of Autism, focusing on the child’s individual needs, strengths, and learning style. We tailor the learning to support and develop each child’s social, independent and communication skills.

We have an unshakeable belief in all of our pupils and we firmly believe that Attitude Determines Altitude. We expect all pupils to be aspirational and to achieve beyond their expectations regardless of their background, starting point or special educational needs.

We have a highly experienced team - these include teaching colleagues, learning support assistants, behaviour mentors, educational psychologists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and a sports coach. These practitioners work together to ensure that each child receives an education that takes account of their holistic needs.

Children in our provision all have EHCPs (Education and Health Care Plans) in place which identify their individual needs. This is then further developed alongside the child and parent/carer, into an Additional Support Plan. This enables us to target areas of personal learning specific to their needs.

All mainstream and Oak staff receive training on ASD based approaches and strategies. Effective sharing of resources and ideas across both our ELP and mainstream professionals ensures that a wealth of experience is tapped into on one site.

Alongside the curriculum subjects of Literacy, Numeracy, Science History, Geography, Art, PSHE, PE, Music and Food Technology we also deliver the sensory curriculum which includes the AET (Autism Education Trust) programme, TEEACH, Makaton and community visits. We focus on developing the behaviours for learning by using a variety of strategies to help pupils manage themselves. We support our pupils to become more independent in their learning through set programmes developed for children with Autism as well as adapting mainstream curriculum to cater for each individual’s needs to promote lifelong learners.

Attitude Determines Altitude.


Note: Admissions to the ELP is allocated separately through Croydon Council's SEN Team (please click here for further information).